Sunday, May 4, 2008

Waiting for... pie to cool.

I have found a new friend. In food. Not so much in the comfort of actually eating it, but in making it.

New dream: to start a café. One day.

I've been thinking. It's pretty funny in a way, when I was done with the lastest song (in the figure she's in right now) I had this feeling of.. excitement. Anticipation. Posted it, on another site, and I don't know why but I had this feeling that maybe this time, this time the ball would start rolling. Like I would be on my way. So I went to bed, slept well, and the next day I realized (oh what a shock) that nothing had changed. I'm still right here not having the fainest idea of what my next move should be. I've talked with a friend about recording, for real, but it has stopped at words and nothing more. You know, like both parties are waiting for a convenient time.

Some days I do wonder, this singing thing, is it really what I want to do? One part says yes, I've done alot by now for my voice. I'd like to be presented with the next step. Making plans was easy, dreaming is easy. The next part seems tricky. Clouded. Like there is this door but I seem to have misplaced the knob.

I don't really believe it's self-doubt. Or maybe it is? Or just the lack of bravery?

Moving on then.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Vad du är tror så tror jag på dig, bara du vill! Men jag vet, det svåra är att vilja helt och fullt. Hang in there