Sunday, March 30, 2008

Things that need to be worked out

Two things have had this blog in sort of a lock-down.

For one, my stubborn irish cold. It's getting better by the day, though I can never be sure how my voice will feel. The voice becomes unpredictable, wich in turn means that if it 'aint working properly - well then I'm not really allowed to sing. So lets cross our fingers for a speedy recovery on that part.

One the other hand, I'm having difficulties with the flash players I was recommended to have. You see, since the player I have right now for my songs is from another website, I don't want to post unfinished material on that site (unfinished as in little different parts and adlibbing). So I wanted a separated player. But something so simple, I wouldn't have to read a manual to figure out how to work it (I don't like manuals. They're grey, have tiny letters, and well they don't amuse me. I like to be amused. I from the new generation, I have no attention span)

So, I've had a song - or parts of a song - that I'd like to use here. My intention from the beginning is to show openly the creative process (sorry if that sounds pretentious). How the little pieces come together, how you find what the pieces will be - what story will they convey - and how you know when a song is done.

The new song has a only got a chorus and an end. No verses (for some reason they are the hardest to figure out). It will be something about pieces, secrets and storytelling. For some reason I often write about keeping secrets. Not that I have that many. But I know how to keep one.

So, my dear friends, I will get that flash mp3player to work, and then I will post what I've gotten so far on the new song.

If anybody, knows anything about the mp3 players you get from (and how I get them alive and kicking) please tell me.

Hope you're all having a nice day. I have started to play the sims again. Fantastic game, but it puts you in sort of a trance. Scary.

Tuesday, March 25, 2008

In the mood for more?

Quality reading that is. (Knowledge in the swedish language might be a prerequisite) Visit:

Otherwise, things are moving slow (getting back to thinking in real-time takes a little while) but most things feel good at the moment. 

Ideas for songs are actually (wonderful) brewing in my head, thank you Ireland and Dublin. 

Thought for the day: the least we can do is to look the begger in the eye. 


Monday, March 24, 2008

The sweetest thing

"Lars and the real girl". One word. Fantastic. Just warm and fuzzy (but undoubtedly funny). 

Baby's back

And so a week has passed. And the cold irish weather did really take its toll on me, but still it was definitly worth it. 

The emerald island surely has a lot to offer. 

We met two irish men on saturday night, and went around different bars i Dublin with them. One just happened to be a musician, you can find his music on his myspace:
It's always fun to talk about the music industry with new people, new perspectives (or maybe not). Interesting to talk to someone who's doing things pretty "old school" and straying away from the new digital way. 

Otherwise, the trip did give a lot of new thoughts, of new sights and interesting people from all over the globe (mostly french though). 

But it's great to be back. Sappy as I am, I did miss a few lovely people (one person in particular) very very much. And some things are just too good over here, I mean I can step out of the shower and not freeze up like an ice cube. I can go to bed without five layers of clothing. I don't really mind the snow and the wind outside, because of the warmth here inside.. and that's just lovely. 

I will miss the pots of tea and Bulmers though. 

Saturday, March 15, 2008


Music present!

What you can hear is rough versions of two songs. In one, I've been playing around with different sounds and effects (hence the guitar in the background of the chorus).

More to come!

The art of packing

Soon my friends, the journey begins.

We're going Irish once again, this time to explore the Irish countryside. Fantastic. I haven't really been giving it any thought, so it all feels sort of sudden. Spontaneous even.

I have not mastered the art of packing though. I usually enjoy it, but for some reason I can't really figure out what I'll be wanting to wear.

Oh well, I hope this trip can bring a little bit of inspiration. To music, to lyrics, to words and themes. To this page really. Since I seem to be technically challenged, no music yet. Damn you internet.

I have this melody in my head at the moment, but I can't figure out what the song needs to be about. What story would mix and match well with it. I think I need something to think about, something to be enraged about, and something that'll bug me. That usually works well for the creative mind. Then again, I'm not really looking for problems - think I've had my share for a while now. (But don't be alarmed; it's all just in my head as they so often are)

- pause -

I just heard the strangest sound coming from within this house. Hm. Then again our pipes often make growling noises.

Now, music has to be made - I won't be able to play for a week and since I will soon have company here from my man, this will be the last session for a little while with my piano. And she needs some loving. Or he. Hm?

Friday, March 14, 2008



Still haven't really found out how to incorporate music to this page. Do you?

Thursday, March 13, 2008

While the radio keeps playing

Real-life moment: I'm at a local radiostation, that only plays dancemusic. With "Apologize" remixed in the background. Strange.

But, the reality is - I have not that much to do. So why not write?

I've been looking into posting audio here, still haven't quite figured it out. Hopefully it will come. What's a blog about music with no music, really?

I've been contemplating this whole lyrics-thing today. What lyrics-thing you might ask yourself? Well.. I have this tendency of coming up with one hook, one part of a song (usually something fore the ending). And that part works, I can feel it work. But then, putting it together, making a whole.. Tricky.

But what's really tricky is this - it's the same thing with lyrics. One part can fall magicaly into place and the rest... well the rest... I guess it has to be chisled out. Since english is not my native tounge - but phrasings are more fun to play around with in english - it's easy to use the same words over and over. The same lame word. Easy rhymes for children. I believe, in you and me, what we will be, is not easy to see. You see?

And while all those fantastic words of the english vocabulary pops up from time to time in my mind it is rarely infront of the piano. My mind wanders while riding buses. But when push comes to show and a paper appears, wanting words to be written on it.. Oh my. Shutdown.

But I guess, as long as we don't reach brakedown.

Where was I going with this post? Yes! Lyrics! I find it hard to compose a "moving" (as in emotionally) start to a song. The end is always sweeter than the beginning. But it's the first few seconds that has to lure a person to listen to the whole thing. Otherwise, the ending is just a bitter, grunting old-maid that will never be heard. And that would be sad, wouldn't it?

Three books that can change your life

And I'm not kidding.

"The best damn sales book ever" by Warren Greshes
(don't be fooled by the title - this is not restricted to sales people only, this book really has the ability to change how you look at yourself and your life. I've been carrying it around for months, never wanting to let go. I wish I could keep Warren in my pocket)

"Tipping point" by Malcom Gladwell

"Blink" by Malcom Gladwell

find these books at

New Beginnings

A few changes have occurred. One, I'm pretty sure you can tell right away - this is no longer a text in my native language. Why the change? I happen to believe, as many of you, in the international potential of the internet. We're going global.

Second. My objectives have changed. Yes I'm in part still on my quest for the perfect jeans, but I no longer wantit to be my main focus here. Mainly because I have a tendency to turn down shopping, on my lazy days, in favor of my beloved piano. So, I will keep you updated on my search for jeans (because I know oh so many of you are dying to know how it turns out...) but I will from now on concentrate on another goal in my life.

Warren Greshes (also known as the most brilliant man alive. he and Malcom Gladwell) have urged me to set goals for my self. Big splendid beautiful goals. And so I will.

Goal: To make a neatly made, pretty and shiny album. Music. On a disc.

May sound simple but this time it has to look, smell, taste, feel and sound professional.

According to my plan, deadline is the 31st of September. I will let you follow my agony, my creative process and hear songs in their rawest edition to a more refined product.

I will end this post with this days most perfectly put lyrics:
"I know you might roll your eyes at this, but I'm so glad that you exist."
-The Weakerthans (The Reason)
Hear it and see the video at:

Tuesday, March 11, 2008

För kollektivet

En sak vill jag klargöra, detta är inte bara en privat angelägenhet. Jag trodde aldrig, och jag menar aldrig, att jag skulle sitta och skriva blogg i mitt framtida liv. Men här sitter jag. Men inte för att jag anser att min jeansrumpa är så pass intressant att andra vill hålla sig aujour med hur den mår. Utan jag ser rött. För vår allas skull.

Jeans är det vardagsplagg vi alla vill ha. Det är enkelt, det mesta passar till, varenda färg funkar till jeans och i stort sett varje material. Det är slitstarkt och tål alla typer av situationer. Och alla möjliga vätskor och fläckar - då jag är otroligt begåvad inom området att spilla diverse drycker från öl till saft till vin till vatten över mig själv. Hur bra är då inte jeans? 

Men har man råkat få hålla till godo med en kropp som mest liknar en bowlingkägla, en coca-cola flaska, ett päron eller en kyrkklocka ja... då är det svårt med proportionerna. 

För ingen vill väl se baktung ut? 

Det är inte sällan jag hamnar i ett provrum med ett par jeans i famnen och hoppas. Eller nja, jag brukar se uppgivet på dem och tänka bittra tankar för mig själv men ändå tycka att "man måste ju prova, det går ju inte för sig att bara gnälla över läget". Det slutar oftast med att jag lämnar butiken arg. Ledsen. Bitter. 

De senaste två dagarna har jag och mina kära moder försökt hitta stövlar och jeans inför en stundande Irlandsresa. Irland = kan vara blött. Blåsigt. Rått och kallt. Och underbart.
Det gick max en halvtimme, jag blev irriterad över mitt i-lands problem och till sist försökte min mamma (med en ängels tålamod) släta över eländet med något uppiggande såsom en ring eller lite mintkyssar. 

Och det löser ju saken för stunden. Ett par mintkyssar, en liten sockerchock och jag är glad igen. Men sen hamnar man ju där, i det förbaskade provrummet en annan dag och samma situation utspelas. 

Jag vill ha ändring. För min egen del kräver det nog en del aktivt sökande. Men på det stora hela, kanske det kräver en enad aktion. Ett behov från marknaden. Skapa kläder som formar och ger oss den siluett vi eftersträvar - istället för att se till ideal. I slutändan är det ändå vi som accepterar att byxor/jeans ska vara ett sådant sjå, istället för att se hur vi kan påverka situationen. 

Det må vara ett "lätt" ämne, men jag gör det för min mentala hälsas skull. Faktiskt. 

"Caught with my butt hanging out of my pants, waiting for some kind of lucky chance. But nothing ever comes to those who wait"
-Blake Babies (I'll take anything)


Ok, då börjar vi. Detta projekt, denna jakt, startar nu. Men inte utan ett par förhållningsregler.

  • En relativt hög midja (jag ryser nämligen fortfarande när jag ser Lillie och Sussie i Solstollarna)

  • Mörk tvätt

  • Inga slitningar (in no shape or form)

  • Lite bootcut alt. jeans där tyget "släpper" från höften

"Cynicism falls asleep. Tyranny talks to itself. Sappy slogans all come true. We forget to feed our fear. "
-The Weakerthans "Confessions of a futon-revolutionist"

Monday, March 10, 2008

Var är min korsett?

Det perfekta paret, den optimala figuren, den mest välsvarvade underkroppen, fås av de perfekta jeansen. Om de hade haft mage att existera. Jag har ännu inte mött en kvinna - eller förvisso kanske en men verkligen inte två - som anser att en stund i provrummet med en hög av olika jeansmodeller ses som skön och avkopplande egen-tid. De flesta av oss förbannar dessa dåligt upplysta och svettiga timmar av frentetiskt provande. Men trots allt behövs ju ett par jeans. Trots allt hamnar ett par halv-bra byxor i skåpet och åker allt som oftast fram, för jeans det är ju trots allt så himla enkelt att dra på sig. Jag bara ignorerar jag ser ut som en bowlingkägla som vandrar gatan fram på höga klackar.

Men jag har tröttnat. Förändring sker nu.

Mitt mål är att hitta de perfekta jeansen, och detta flöde av text ska följa mig under resans gång.

"But what if I'm a mermaid? In these jeans of his with her name still on it"
- Tori Amos (Silent all these years)