Tuesday, April 29, 2008

So now she's here

There you go, the song I was referring to in my latest post (below), now she's up. Decided to call her "A calm wave"

One of the quickest songs I've written. And I think... her structure is done. Even lyrics. Some songs just happen to show their own identity in a very direct way, this is what makes me believe that yes, I'm not the sole creator of this little creature.

If we look at the arrangement, sure, there are a few adjustments I'd like to do. Nothing major, a little note here and there. In time, girl, in time. I am pursuing to get these first recordings to get a little company from other instruments. One day, not too far away (got to get that ass moving)

I do believe that every song contains a multitude of stories, just depends on how you look (hrm, listen?) at it. But the theme here, if you were wondering (maybe you weren't and you find this to be totally self-involved but hey it's my little space on the web, right? such a little office chair of power), the theme is how we all can be a little torn, and broken deep down. That we might carry open wounds that have a hard time healing. Even though it might not show.

Sun is shining

Isn't it funny, when some things just comes to you?
I'm wrapping up the structure and the words of a song right now, that just had that... instant feeling to it. Like melody and even some words (I'm telling you - that doesn't happen very often) they fell into place. Like they themselves knew where they should be.

My mission is to post this song tonight, my oh my this page needs an update. Still, the sun shining outside is really tempting. I finished a book this afternoon ("Evenening class" by Maeve Binchy) basking in the sunlight. Fantastic. Now, in a way I'd like to go right back and begin another novel. But I know, that would be procrastinating this other creative process yet again.

I happen to be good at that. Taking too many breaks. And yeah, breaks are good. And there's loads more to life than hanging out with a piano (even though that's a tough one to outdo) but if I ever, really if I ever, want this bloody dream to have any kind of chance, well then... I guess, patience and sticking to it, those are my only options. Right?

By the way, have you read "evening class"? In english? I am wondering - is it written poorly or does it come down to translation? Tell me if you have an idea.

Friday, April 18, 2008

Being the architect

So, a structure has been born, chords and melody. Now, only words are missing.

But then of course, this is the toughest part. I think my core issue here is that I have this tendency to but myself out of emotion. Putting distance between myself and the words I'm singing - and what does that do? Well, the feeling goes missing. And what are we trying to put out there? Well, a feeling.

If I don't believe what I'm telling, you can see the same in plays and in sales, then the song will fall flat.

New theory. I think I have to put myself in someone elses shoes. And really go there, to the thoughts none of us like to dwell in. You know, the thoughts that come out at night anyhow.

In "piece by piece", they talk about how a song holds more than one story. Always more than one story. I often change perspectives in songs - maybe I have to go deeper in one story, get really dirty in the reality I'd like to ignore.

The feeling of pain is the same, and even though every story is different from the other the themes and the hurt is universal. I think I really have start hurting, we all have those memories don’t we?

This all might sound abstract; I hope you get it when the song is posted.

Love to all of you

Wednesday, April 16, 2008

Foccacia in the oven

I've been flipping through Tori Amos "Piece by piece" again. The art of composition, my favorite chapter. I think I need to keep reading to sustain my work right now. So many things happening at once around me. And once again, the technical aspect of music has to bug me. Now, I can't get any sound to come out of the computer. Sounds strange to you? Well, to me too.

Oh well.
The latest big story in the news have been circulating in my head, is it cynical to draw inspiration from it? Or not... not inspiration - that word has to many positive associations. It's more... trying to deal with it, trying to come to terms or to the extent that you can, understand it. Get your mind to focus on the fact, that what has happened is reality. Not fiction. Not a dream. It's real. Bu

So, the theme is very etheral (in a way). Really it started as a melody, a real crisp and tender one. Combined with the horror, it becomes very... for me, evocative. And I think I need that right now. Because it is easy, I've always had a way to block out certain feelings, to set this story and the people behind it aside. Move on. And that has to be done to. But still, I keep thinking - that for once we have to learn from this. A persons is known for similiar crimes but still roaming free. Something needs to be done. Something.

Ok, not a very cheerful post. But that is what I'm currently working on, I will post material - well as said before - as soon as I can figure out how to work these... these... machines.

Thursday, April 10, 2008

I know, I know...

the old player is back. Just to have something up, while I'm working at things... 


I am a person, who lack in discipline. Sad to say, because this makes it very easy for me to procrastinate. For some reason, especially when it comes to my own music. 

I find myself always trying to be in a perfect mood, a perfect setting. Yesterday was one of those days, I started recording and then... well, nothing sounded as good as I wanted. And I stopped. (ok, so I was seriously tired from sitting infront of a slow computer all day with photoshop and indesign but still...). I think I haven't really gotten used to the whole "plugged in"-thing. Being to near the mike, hearing myself so clearly while recording, in a way I think it makes me hold back a little. Not really pushing myself, not really singing from the gut. And then, things become meek. 

But I am planning. Because Warren says (warren is my muse) that having goals is key, making a plan is key, and acting on that plan everyday is the key. They Key to Success.
So, this weekend, I am shying away from social functions (except a dinner and a coffee cup or two) - to play. Playing, writing, singing. Getting things done. And fixing that bloody flash - I'm up to here with whining about it. 

Maybe I should hide my tv from myself. It has a really bad influence on me. 

Tuesday, April 8, 2008

Things are looking up

Not for the flashplayer. But that could be that I have, as said before, no patience and therefore have barely tried.

But on another note, the man and I (hrm, well sort of, if bugging him with questions count) did a number on my "recording studio". Studio is far from the truth, since the environment is far away from ideal. I am recording next to a window for goodness sake. But still, there's a piano, there's the technical equipment and a mike. 

I used to have a tendency to sound.. hollow in a way. Especially the piano, it's an electrical one. But now... now good people, times have changed. Ok, it's not perfect, but still. I have to post some material as soon as the player comes to life, it really is such a quality difference. 

Friday, April 4, 2008

Flash in a flash?

As you can see, if you've been here before, my player has vanished. Not really, but I did remove it. The reason for this, is because I've been playing around with my flash player, trying to understand and finding a way for it to work.

But I have slowly come to the realization that I -
1. have no patience
2. I need help

So, now I ask of you, dear reader, to in a few simple words explain the following to me:
It reads two FlashVars sent from main .html:
// "Arquivo=filename.mp3" and "Reproduzir=sim/nao"
// "Arquivo" means "File" in English. I haven't tried to use relative paths
// like "http://www.yourhomepage.com/songs/filename.mp3" but it may work just fine.
// "Reproduzir" means "Play", "sim" means "Yes" and "nao" means "No".
// When "Reproduzir" is set to "sim", the song starts playing immediatelly.
// You can change these names if you like.
// To pass these vars from html to flash, add the following code in your html:
// param name="FlashVars" value="Arquivo=filename.mp3&Reproduzir=sim" /
// Notice that it's all CASE SENSITIVE.

What does this mean? What should I do? I've been trying to set up a file, and pasting the last code into the html-space on my blog, but still... does not compute. And honestly, what is a flashvar?

I will be very thankful and if I ever make an album - you who'll help me will have a dedication in bold letters.

Now, it's friday.