Thursday, March 13, 2008

Three books that can change your life

And I'm not kidding.

"The best damn sales book ever" by Warren Greshes
(don't be fooled by the title - this is not restricted to sales people only, this book really has the ability to change how you look at yourself and your life. I've been carrying it around for months, never wanting to let go. I wish I could keep Warren in my pocket)

"Tipping point" by Malcom Gladwell

"Blink" by Malcom Gladwell

find these books at


Lage Winblad said...

Tror detta blir en kanonbra blogg. Du sjunger som en gudinna, är cool, snygg och smart så jag är helt övertygad om att du fixar den där skivan.
Hoppas att nästa veckan blir toppen!
Massa kramar

Lage Winblad said...

Ska kolla upp böckerna du tipsar om!